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These are hand made and bottled incredible salad dressings. Use them on any and all salads, use them as dip for fresh veggies, or mix them into your favourite dishes


See my reccomendations on storing your dresssings below: 


Creamy Dill: Keep refridgerated (as it is made with kefir), take out a few mins before use and give it a good shake

Italian Lemon: If you will use it within a few weeks, this dressing is shelf stable. If you plan to hold onto it longer, keeping it in the fridge is recommended. Take out 20 to 30 mins before use and give it a good shake

Balsamic Vinaigrette: This dressing is shelf stable, but you want to keep it away from too much heat to avoid the olive oil going rancid 


Please note: Techically these dressings should not "go bad". However their quality will change over time, even more with the Creamy Dill as the kefir is "live". I recommend using these dressings within a month


Bottles are 12oz 

Salad Dressings

PriceFrom C$12.00
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